Wong-Baker FACES Pain Rating Scale

The Wong-Baker Face Pain Rating Scale is the pain scale most preferred by physicians, parents and children. It proves to be an inexpensive, yet easy to use, pain scale, these factors are important, as measuring pain in children can be extremely difficult.
The scale consists of six faces that range from no pain at all to the worst pain imaginable. The emotional faces range from smiling to grimacing. Children match their level of pain to a face on the scale.
Children rating their pain on the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale are better able to communicate their level of pain, as opposed to surveys or other pain scales. A concern arises with children who do not cry with pain or are embarrassed to choose a face with tears. Although no pain-rating scale is efficient for all children, the Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale seems to work best. Adults with language barriers also benefit from this type of pain scale. The Wong-Baker Faces Pain Rating Scale has proven to be a valid and reliable pain scale.