10 Weight Loss Tips

As obesity rates increase, many people are making a conscious effort to lose weight and lead the healthiest lifestyles possible. Losing excess weight can be quite challenging, especially when dealing with chronic pain. It may be difficult, but it is not impossible. Ten ways to achieve weight loss goals include the following:
Set goals
Setting goals is a blueprint for success. A target weight and a timeline for weight loss is important. Creating tangible goals and writing them down allows the individual to focus and create a plan of action to make them happen. Including both long-term and short-term goals in a weight loss plan helps an individual keep on track.
Be realistic
Having goals is crucial for success, but they must be realistic. The average person loses approximately two pounds per week, not ten. Weight gain doesn’t happen overnight and neither does weight loss. Patience is key.
Focus on the long term
Healthy eating and fitness are a lifestyle. This is not something to do for a couple weeks and then revert to old patterns. However, individuals should allow for setbacks; they are a natural part of the process.
Change eating habits
Avoiding sugar, high fat meats and processed foods is critical to a successful weight loss program.
- The following foods should be avoided:
Processed foods, fast food, sugary snacks, sodas and fried foods - The following foods are recommended:
Fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, water, nuts and herbs
Get Moving
Lack of activity is a large factor in weight gain. Many people live sedentary lifestyles. The following tips can help a person burn a few extra calories throughout the day:
- Park further away from building entrances
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator
- Take a 5-10 minute walk on a work break
- Use the restroom on another floor (take the stairs)
- During television commercial breaks do gentle exercises
- Sweeping, washing dishes, vacuuming, carrying groceries, ironing, making the bed, grocery shopping, getting the mail
Have an accountability partner or personal trainer
Having a workout partner or personal trainer can keep a person motivated and push them to keep going when they want to quit.
Keep an account of the journey
Whether writing in a journal, posting a training blog or using a calendar to jot down progress, keeping track of the weight-loss journey helps with motivation and accountability. Posting a training blog with weekly updates is a great way to garner support, encouragement and fitness tips from others.
Take the “work” out of working out
Find enjoyable exercise. Individuals should avoid doing something simply because it is popular. When a person enjoys an exercise, it increases the probability that they will continue to do it. Walking, bicycling, yoga and tai chi are all fun exercises that burn a lot of calories.
Avoid fad diets and fitness gimmicks
Products that guarantee weight loss and quick results are not designed to help people lose weight in the long term; they are designed to make money. There is a big difference between the two, so avoid them at all costs.
Enjoy the journey
Embrace the inevitable struggles faced on a weight loss journey. Once the weight loss goal has been reached, the hard work and sacrifice it took to get there will be that much more rewarding.
Losing weight is difficult, but it is not impossible. Following these tips will help individuals achieve their goals.