5 Hand Exercises for Arthritis

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Finger lifts
Hand stretching and strengthening exercises can help with stiffness and pain.
- Place the right hand on a flat surface.
- Begin with the thumb and lift it off the table while keeping the fingers down.
- Do this for each finger.
- Repeat with the left hand.
Fist stretch
This is an effective exercise to loosen up a stiff hand; however, remember to be gentle.
- Slowly and gently bend the fingers into a fist, placing the thumb on the outside of the fist.
- Gently squeeze and then re-open the hand.
- Repeat with the other hand.
Claw hand
This is a good strengthening exercise that also helps to loosen up stiff fingers.
- Begin with the fingers extended on the right hand.
- Bend the fingers and thumb to meet, forming an “O” or claw shape.
- Hold for a few seconds and then straighten the fingers and thumb.
- Repeat with the left hand.
Finger bends
This exercise can improve hand dexterity and flexibility.
- Begin with the and the fingers extended on the right hand.
- Bend the thumb towards the palm, hold for a few seconds, then straighten it.
- Repeat with the rest of the fingers, moving from one finger to the next.
- Repeat with the left hand.
Wrist stretch
Although pain may be most prevalent in the hands, it is also important to stretch the wrist for maximum relief.
- Place the right palm down on a flat surface.
- Gently lift the right forearm at the wrist while keeping the palm on the flat surface.
- Take the left hand and apply gentle pressure on the right hand.
- Repeat with the left hand.