
Radiofrequency (RF) Ablation

Radiofrequency ablation (RF ablation) treatment is a drug-free therapy that involves the movement of energy to destroy abnormal tissue that may cause pain or disease. RF ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that uses an electrical current to burn nerve tissue and reduce pain signals. This treatment is commonly used in the management of spinal and neuropathic (nerve damage) conditions which can include chronic migraines, pain of the lower back, and pain in the neck. RF ablation is usually performed with local anesthetic and mild sedation.

RF ablation has proven to be a safe and effective way to treat some forms of pain. It is generally well-tolerated, with very few associated complications. There is a slight risk of infection and bleeding at the insertion site. Your doctor can advise you about your particular risk.

The main side effect of RF ablation is some discomfort, including swelling and bruising at the site of the treatment, but this generally goes away after a few days. Additional side effects include increased skin sensitivity, a temporary increase in pain from inflammation of the surgical site, headaches, and unintentional damage of nearby blood vessels, nerves, and tissues to the targeted site.

As with any medical procedure, RF ablation is not appropriate for everyone. For example, radiofrequency ablation is not recommended for people who have active infections or bleeding problems. Your doctor can tell you if you should not have RF ablation